Sunday, August 16, 2009

Relational Art Movement

relationalism is a current fine art movement that redefines the concept of art. Instead of art being judged based on its imagery or physical form, artworks are judged upon the inter-human relations which they represent, produce or prompt. Relational artwork creates an environment that brings people together to collectively experience and participate in an activity, basically Relationalism is Interactive Art.This Movement seems particularly relevant to our times as interactive design becomes more and more prevalent. Interactive design is a key part of our modern product development, from phones to websites interaction is carefully considered. In our post-modern world of art as product it does not seem so far- fetched that interactive design has become part of our fine art as well. This is a Relational / Interactive Art piece designed by Berlin interactive artists Gunnar Green and Frederic Eyl. It is a wall composed of mechanical apertures, they react to the amount of light and close or open accordingly, the result is a real time half tone effect as a person moves along the wall.

The fine art movement of Relationalism can be found in today's interactive lighting products
. These light displays rely on interaction with people to create their images. I found a great example of this at

This interactive wall display uses low energy LED lights. Users can change the light display through touch and up to six people at a time can change different parts of the display.This product is also eco-friendly using about the same amount of energy as a toaster.

Another example is made by Electroland. It is a walkway that creates light patterns based on the locations of people on it. I found this and several other great examples at Interactive

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